Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pillow Fight Club

On Valentine's Day this year there was a huge flash-mob pillow fight at the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Pillow Fight Club. All you could hope for, and more. Remember to bring a handkerchief to put around your mouth and nose so you don't choke on all the feathers!

There were over 1000 people there going crazy with the pillows. I didn't know about it until the day of, but thankfully I ran into a friend there who loaned me his pillow (thanks Adam!). By the end of it, though, people felt that somehow their pillows were not worth taking home again so they were just leaving them there or giving them to other people to use. The fight went on for over an hour with little kids and big kids alike giving it their all (although the little kids were a bit overwhelmed by the scale of the thing).

I'll upload a photo of this later.


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